Read about Evan's fight for justice. I hate Dublin traffic. Home now though, and relaxing.



Anonymous said...

Just an e-mail to let you know that at the start of this accademic year I will be launching a new website aimed at Bangor students and local buisinesess. The Idea being that students and buisinesses around bangor can communicate to each other. I'ts like a free advertising space, where members can post news about events happening around Bangor and review restaurants, pubs and clubs around Bangor. Most of the websites content will be submited in by students letting them put across their point of view. There will also be a forum, personal messages system plus a chatroom which you can use to share files from your computer.
Although we are not marketing the site until the start of the academic year it is up on the web allready. If you would like to have a look or if you have anything to contribute then please visit the site at