My landlady came around last night with some of the Chinese students living in my house next year. The plan was that they move their stuff in today, but they turned up with a magical surprise: they're not just moving their stuff in, they're moving in too!

I'm finding this quite a stressful concept. I'm sad that my flatmates have left, but I'd rather be alone than live with four strangers. They stayed in the house for about half an hour after Ruth left, just nosing around, leaving the front AND back doors wide open. They didn't speak a word of English to me. It was really quite uncomfortable, just sitting on the couch, having strangers wandering around your house speaking a different language.

I was really very upset about this last night. I hadn't been to sleep properly since the ball, and hadn't eaten properly either: a winning combination. So I cried quite a bit, and tried to get hold of my new landlady to ask if I could move into my new house today. But I can't get hold of her, and twelve hours of sleep later I'm less bothered. I'm still not delighted about it, but I can cope with living with strangers. I did it in school, I did it in first year. It's only for a week, and I can shut myself in my room with really loud music on if I'm feeling irritated. Very loud music. I still haven't tried out my amplifier at more than half volume (that was last night: it rocked the kasbah). It would be so difficult packing all my stuff and moving out today; that would probably stress me more than just having people in my house.

At least I'm getting this week rent free. And some men just came to my house and scrubbed it from top to bottom. The cooker's clean. The kitchen floor's clean. The bathroom's clean (although I did that bit). And they took away my old monitor so I don't have to deal with that problem anymore. Oh, and they took away the rest of the smashed-up piano. The bits that weren't burnt by the frisbee team. Long story.