I had a bad dream last night. I dreamt that I ran the most rubbish Welcome Week ever. It was awful! I spent the whole thing rushing around trying to carry people's bags and didn't organise any events or anything.

In fairness, the University made it difficult for me by allowing 12-year-olds be first years. They need much more minding than 18-year-olds. I also probably shouldn't have tried to be a peer guide for every single first year. Realistic targets are key, I feel.



Sam said...

You're an actual freak.

But don't worry, we'll let you swing from the Union rafters...

Supermanc said...

Awww! Bless! I'm sure you'll run a brilliant Welcome Week! Smile! You got us all behind you! :D

Jack x

Sam said...

I'm not behind her, I'm above her.

(but let's not get started down that amusing, if torrid road, I merely couldn't resist the comment)

Supermanc said...

Sam, you are a very naughty man. Probably.