Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once

Just been to see the very entertaining BEDS production of 'Allo 'Allo. Duncan (who lives with quite a lot of music students) particularly shone as Rene. I'm thinking in a bad French accent now.

Went for a meal with Spencer's family, Spencer and Sam in Parc Britannia before the show. It was rather delicious, and I managed to eat the entire giant Yorkshire pudding filled with sausages and mashed potato and onion and stuff. It was very delicious. AND I had a healthy and nutritious salad for starters with strawberries, mango, chicken and bacon. Mmmmm. Except the actual lettuce leaves didn't taste very nice.

Apparently the Storm Exec don't want the SU Exec to have our own lunchtime radio show. Actually I may not have told you about this idea before: I want the five SU sabbatical officers to have one lunchtime radio show each per week. Sam's bagsed Wednesdays, and I'm having Fridays. I think this'd be a great way for the student population to get to know us in an informal kind of way. We'll play whatever music we're into, and talk about whatever we've been doing in the SU this week: much more fun and interesting than reading minutes. It'd operate in much the same way as Storm in a Teacup has been running this year: I'll make sure there's someone there each day and occasionally get everyone to meet up to talk about the lunchtime slot as a whole, but in general people can put their own stamp on their own days.

But apparently the new Exec don't like it. I'm really upset about that: I can't believe they don't trust me to ensure somebody turns up to present the show each day. It's kind of hurtful having spent three years putting enormous amounts of time and effort into the station. I also think we're just as entitled to have a show as any other student. And I'll submit a show proposal next time I see Mike, since it's ultimately up to him to decide.

It's Chris's birthday today. We went to Roman Camp to sit in the sun yesterday: the plan was that he'd start celebrating at lunchtime and keep going til after midnight. That obviously didn't happen. By four o'clock he was too drunk to do anything except lie on the grass furled up in a blanket. He was in bed by half eight. The night before his twenty-first. What a rock and roll lifestyle.

I've been a bit grumpy the past few days, and will probably continue to be grumpy until Thursday. I have far too much work to do and people keep demanding I do other things. I just don't have the time: I have 5,400 words to write by midday on Thursday. It's almost more frustrating only having five days left: I know I should just keep my head down for the last five days but it's so sunny and there's so many SU meetings to attend.

The Race for Life is on tomorrow. I've been making it very difficult for myself by only starting exercising yesterday. Yesterday I ran 2km, today I ran 4km, so tomorrow I should be able to run 5km. That'll be fun. Anyway I must go to sleep now, toodles.



Sam said...

You're right, you did use that title first.