It's Chico time

This is me wasting time. My lecture's in ten minutes, but I don't want to appear too keen or anything. I've managed to cram-listen to the piece we were supposed to listen to for today. It's harder than skim-reading a book, you have to just sit down and listen to the whole thing. Maybe I could play it at double speed next time.

My meeting with my analysis tutor has been cancelled for this evening, so it looks like I'm going to have time to eat a proper meal this evening. What a concept. It'll have to be something comforting, like mashed potato and bacon. With warm milk. Yes, Spencer. Warm milk. Deelicious. I'm trying to decide whether I'd get away with not staying for the Music At Bangor concert, just selling tickets then leaving. I have a very loud cough and a leaky nose, so I'll only be disruptive if I have to sit there coughing and sniffling. I suppose it depends on who else turns up to help out.

I've just been talking to the guy from Rev who was talking to Dizzy about affiliating the other day. They have decided to affiliate, you'll be delighted to hear. There's more music-studenty-support, hopefully. The Music Society don't particularly care who's CCSO because they're independent, but the people in Rev might well like somebody who's into music. Splendid. I'd like to go to their practise next Wednesday, but then again that's my first evening off. It's Chico/Lecture Time.



Sam said...

That's one of the (many) things I wish I'd done differently at Bangor: so many cultured events on offer and I've not had/made the time.

Spencer said...

