I think there's only one other person who actually uses the bike store at work even though Borrys the Bike Man told me there were 90. Cos I only ever see the one man, every single time I use the bike store, and nobody else. Today I even saw him twice.

He obviously cycles in every single day, so I naturally assumed he did some kind of lightweight, less-than-four-miles commute (I reckon three to four miles is the point where you can justify wearing full cycling gear). Turns out he cycles eleven miles. Twice a day. Every. Single. Day.



Sam said...

You last blogged 6 days ago according to my blog roll - I am not of the opinion that this is an acceptable gap between updates and would like to request that you endeavour to commit a greater amount of resources in the pursuit of ensuring that you are able to provide information of a timely nature to such persons as may wish to imbibe such information.