This office job thing is unhealthy. I've definitely got a sedentary lifestyle these days: I spend most of the day sitting down in the office, then I either walk on foot to my house or I get driven to the shops or up the hill. So for the first time (excluding the time I went to America and was fed lots of unhealthy fried food) I've definitely put on weight.

Thing is, I quite like exercising. I just feel so tired after work that I can't be bothered going to the gym. But I've been practising strengthening my resolve over Christmas (forcing myself to go cycling in the cold, for example), and now I'm fighting fit and have started going to the gym again.

I'm trying not to eat as much rubbish, but that's difficult. I was doing so well yesterday, eating porridge and banana in the morning, soup and bread for lunch, and fish with couscous for dinner. But hunger got the better of me and I topped it all off with a big helping of Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake flavour and a chocolate cookie.