I'm feeling frustrated and ready to start bitchslapping various people with the Data Protection Act.

So I went to the o2 shop yesterday to see if I could get a contract phone, but they refused me because apparently my credit rating isn't good enough.

My credit rating is presumably poor because I have an International Student Account and I had ONE cheque bounce ONCE (although I can't know for certain because it costs £16 to get a copy of your credit rating from Equifax and they don't have real people to talk to on the phone).

So I phoned o2 to ask why my credit application was rejected, and they said they can't tell me why because that would breach the Data Protection Act (even though it's data about ME which I thought I was entitled to).

But now that I've been in the UK for over three years I'm entitled to a Normal Student bank account with an overdraft and credit card which will improve my credit rating.

But to get one of those I need a student statement from the University saying I'm still a student. I've been asking Student Records for one of these for several months now.

It's. Not. Difficult.



Tom Giddings said...

I'm sure that covered under data protection. Anyone who holds information about you must be able to provide it given a reasonable admin fee, or similar?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the credit rating problem may simply be that there is not enough information about you in existence: that you have little or no credit history. And you're not a home-owner and such. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/actionnetwork/A1175681 (which should be a link, but I don't know how to do that). See also http://www.ico.gov.uk/Home/what_we_cover/data_protection/your_rights/how_to_access_information.aspx

You are certainly entitled to see the information that O2 holds on you, but you may have to send a request in writing. You may want to ask them what credit rating agency they use; you can then contact that agency and get all their info.

I think it would also be usful to talk to your friendly local bank person (arrange a meeting) about your future plans and how you can build up a credit history.
