I've been thinking about Quakerism a bit today because I've decided to go to Young Friends General Meeting instead of to the SRA nominations party, being hosted by our very own Storm FM. Which was a difficult decision to make, but I thought it's about time I went and topped up my moral drinking glass.

So I was looking for a copy of the Advice and Queries on the internet, when I came across a couple of Quaker blogs. And I like blogs, so I read them. One of them linked to another, to this fantastic post (November 15 2005) which attempts to explain the "non-negotiable central tenets common to all Quakers". What a difficult thing to do! So I read with interest. It's quite good, actually, despite her being an American Quaker (they're often pretty different from British and Irish Quakers).

In other news, I annoyed the Bangor branch of the UNA last night. Oh well.



Spencer said...

We'll forgive you missing the noms party ...

As long as you help us nail the sponsorship this week !!
