And so my extended stint as Acting President comes to an end. For now, at least. And I'm glad.

Not that there were any major crises or anything. I just have far too much to do to be dealing with random people visiting to talk about recycling. That's two different recycling agencies visiting in one week. Perhaps I need another title change: Communications, Societies and Recycling Officer.

I've also spent a large amount of time choosing LogoBugs to order for our goodie bags. I'm not sure that I've ordered 2,500 of anything before; it's startling how much of a difference 1p extra per LogoBug makes. £25, in fact (what a surprise).

And I still haven't finished the Societies Handbook. Has ANYONE got a list of what the new mileage prices are?



Tom Giddings said...

Yay! bugs! I used to collect them! How sad eh?