Conquering a minor summit

Conquering a minor summit
Originally uploaded by carolang
I said I'd blog about the last week but I haven't made a lot of progress. At least now I've uploaded my photos from the Lake District to Flickr and set up the blog-from-Flickr feature so we're getting there.

So I wanted to tell you about climbing Scafell Pike, the hardest thing in the world EVER. I don't want to bore you with endless photos of beautiful mountains so I'm going to try select just a few photos that epitomise the climb.

I think this one is taken near Esk Hause and it sums up just how snowy and cloudy/foggy it was trying to climb up that damn mountain. And how steep it was: you can't even see the hill it's so steep, Karen looks like she's emerging from nowhere. I deserve a medal for getting to the top.



Tom Hecht said...

medal granted, well done Carolan!